
Social Media Marketing for Indie Games – 2021 Guide

Hi, I’m Arimia. I’ve been learning digital marketing ever since my first commercial game, That Which Binds Us, didn’t sell as well as I expected. Nowadays I do social media management at Studio Élan as well as my own studio Crystal Game Works. I get asked a lot how new devs can promote their indie game and the short answer is “post interesting images consistently” but the long answer is, well, much longer. When does a new dev start posting? Where do they post? How do they post?

This series will be long. Treat it as a guide book. An advice list. Take some parts as solid rules and others as ideas you can mold into your own style. Figure out what works best for you and your game as you learn. Let’s get started.

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2020 Year in Review

Phew. The year from hell is almost over. I think it’s safe to say this year was not what anyone expected nor wanted. At the time of writing this (December 27th) I’ve moved back home and been in isolation with my parents since spring break in March. But I want this to mention the good things that happened this year, since there were a few happy things!

  • Graduated college with a bachelors in computer science from the school of engineering
  • Released Enamored Risks
  • Started marketing for Virtuality Project
  • 1 year anniversary at Studio Élan
  • Spoke at VNConf and Crunchyroll Expo
  • Had an interview with a AAA company for my dream job
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What We Can Learn from Manga Marketing

A few days ago I had to clean up our storage unit. One of the boxes I took home was part of my manga collection. As a new rule of thumb I don’t work on weekends (but I’m writing this on Saturday- whoops!) so I spent the day rereading some of then. Since I’m a shounen junkie, a lot of them are from Shounen Jump. As I finished a couple of them, I noticed that at the end of every manga they had a straight-forward marketing strategy…

Let’s take a look at the end of a handful of mangas to see what I mean. I’ll list out a few different mangas to give examples of different advertisement strategies and then see how we can relate this to video games.

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