
Why No More Ludum Dare Updates?

Short answer: I had to withdraw from Ludum Dare #40.
​Long answer…

Long answer is this weekend is just too hectic for me to handle with Ludum Dare. Finals are this week (my most important being Monday, when LD is in the final hours), I had to use almost all of Sunday to prep for my moving out in a month, I’ve already stretched myself a bit thin over the past couple months on 3 other game jams since the last Ludum Dare, and some more excuses I can pile on. Although Ludum Dare is extremely important to me, this is also a crucial weekend in school for me and this weekend I just have to prioritize school over one game jam.
All the sprites I had finished for it (which weren’t a lot) will be uploaded to Lemma Soft as CC-BY sprites that are free to use for any commercial or personal project.

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