
40+ Game Dev Social Media Post Ideas

One thing I frequently get asked is “what do I post to social media? How do I keep it active? I don’t have any art!” and I always send them a long list of ideas on what to post but I never consolidate it anywhere. So, it’s about time I do that.


Below are a list of ideas on what to post to social media- ones in bold are ones I very much recommend for being high in engagement / eye-catching. Don’t forget to check out my Game Dev Social Media Calendar and my Twitter Guide!

  1. Post a screenshot
  2. Post a WIP screenshot
  3. Post a progression screenshot (post an old WIP screenshot and then show how far its come)
  4. Post a gif
  5. Post a video/trailer
  6. Post concept art
  7. Post finished sprites
  8. Post finished full art
  9. Post a funny expression from your character sprites
  10. Post a snippet of music
  11. Post a full piece of music
  12. Post a playlist that you listen to while working
  13. Share (and credit) a piece of art that inspires you
  14. Share a piece of fanart
  15. Post a snippet of writing / a funny quote
  16. Post a snippet of code
  17. Post a picture of animals in the office
  18. Post a picture of your workspace
  19. Talk about your daily work routine
  20. Give a review for a piece of equipment/software you use for work
  21. Ask for feedback on something (piece of art, dialogue, etc)
  22. Run a poll (ask what people’s favorite game is, what their favorite x is, etc.)
  23. Do a Q&A session
  24. Talk about where you got the idea for your game
  25. Talk about the game itself
    1. The lore of the game
    2. The process for making a part of the game
    3. How you concepted different areas
  26. Talk about future projects you’d like to do
  27. Interview your staff / introduce them
  28. Talk about what your dream merch for the game would be
  29. Make a mood board / aesthetic board for the game
  30. Post something inspirational for #MotivationMonday
  31. Write an editorial to help other game devs
  32. Post a link to an editorial you found helpful
  33. Post a small preview of something upcoming
  34. Do a giveaway of a previous game or merch
  35. Post a progression shot of how your game’s art has changed
  36. Thank your followers and highlight some of them
  37. Link a Let’s Play of one of your games
  38. Talk about a game that inspired yours but what you’d change about it
  39. Post a drawing of a girl from your game and tag it #CutieSaturday
  40. Post a meme about your game
  41. Post links to where people can find your other social media (Discord, devlog, etc.)
  42. Post a funny chat log from your Discord
  43. Post a picture of you showing the game off at a convention / booth
  44. Post a survey to find more about your consumers and what they like
  45. …And more!

Here’s a few examples of me doing these ideas on my studio Twitter: