
Why No More Ludum Dare Updates?

Short answer: I had to withdraw from Ludum Dare #40.
โ€‹Long answer…

Long answer is this weekend is just too hectic for me to handle with Ludum Dare. Finals are this week (my most important being Monday, when LD is in the final hours), I had to use almost all of Sunday to prep for my moving out in a month, I’ve already stretched myself a bit thin over the past couple months on 3 other game jams since the last Ludum Dare, and some more excuses I can pile on. Although Ludum Dare is extremely important to me, this is also a crucial weekend in school for me and this weekend I just have to prioritize school over one game jam.
All the sprites I had finished for it (which weren’t a lot) will be uploaded to Lemma Soft as CC-BY sprites that are free to use for any commercial or personal project.


Lights Out Post-LD Build – Progress!

The post-Ludum Dare build of Lights Out is almost done and will definitely be released this month! So far I’ve added 2 road blocks (1 being a small puzzle), doubled the size of the map, changed the placement of Bedelia (you’ll have to find her all over again as her room has drastically moved!), made it darker, added more talking sprites, and more. I’m pretty happy with this build, and I hope you guys will like it too. It hopefully won’t be my only Halloween game this year!


Lights Out Post-LD Update Announced

Yep, fully announcing that I’ve started on a post-Ludum Dare build of Lights Out for the horror game jam held by a few acquaintances, Pixel Horror Jam 2. I’m still not sure how much I’ll add (I’ve been told I have to double the content, though that doesn’t necessarily mean story-wise), but I have planned to at least double the mansion, add more tiles, add at least one puzzle, add more interactions, add a sprite for Hiram’s head (which I already sketched, but never had time to finish), and make the game harder (making it darker to see). I’ve been working on it for the past few days- in order to make sure I don’t get burnt out and am able to add a lot more content to it, I’m going to pace myself (as the jam doesn’t end for another 3 months).


I did this stained glass piece originally during LD (I mean, of course I did) but never got to use it, but now I’m able to.


Lights Out (LD39) Updates

Here’s a small post-Ludum Dare devlog. Lights Out is now on 3 different sites, for all your browser-playing needs!


I’ve received a few comments saying that the lights didn’t seem necessary and that there should be some more foreshadowing/buildup to the story, so I’ll most likely make a post-LD build of the game with darker rooms and more interaction and story.
Still, I’ve received a lot of great feedback on this game, and I’m very happy that people like it! This has basically solidified that I want to do RPG Maker games for most of my future LD entries, as they’re a great way to blend game play with visual novel story telling.