
Stop Tweeting Like This

Yeah so here’s my real article for February.

Time and time again, I’ll open up Twitter (already a bad move) and look through my feed- when I want to look for new visual novel projects, I look through Lemon’s feed, as she retweets stuff for visual novel developers.

Every so often, I’ll see something along these lines…

no, I’m not tweeting this out

Or maybe something like this…

no, I’m not holding a Kickstarter for Canvas Menagerie

Or possibly even something like this…

emojis can’t save this tweet

To me, all of these tweets serve the same purpose—


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Tuesday Morning’s Newsletter Sucks

Tuesday Morning has one of the most generic corporate newsletters I’ve ever had the displeasure of signing up for. However, Tuesday Morning is a more unique company than something like Olive Garden emailing you about endless pasta bowls coming back. Today I’d like to deviate from my normal articles and look into your brand and shaping your channels around it…

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